Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I just noticed that I havent posted for almost a month! What a busy month it has been. Christmas was a blurr. Isnt it always? I did get a new pair of gloves knitted. I have to find them now, and maybe post a picture, dont I? I am working on some socks now, lets see if/when they get finished. I decided that this year is the year for UFO's! Maybe finish up all those quilts, and knitted items (not socks). I have a quite a few projects that I started several years ago. By several I mean 8+ years ago! Perfect UFO, right? We shall see what happens with those. I will let you all know if I actually do what I promised myself I would do. Those who know me will probably just laugh! Go ahead, and laugh. I dont care. :)

1 comment:

  1. I have decided that after some time has passed and I am no longer interested in a project to "let them GO". they go to the maker of all things no longer wanted, the thrift shop pile. It is truly liberating. And I no longer feel guilt over those UFO's in the closet.
