Friday, December 19, 2008

A fun day!

Today was a sub day.  I subbed in the home ec classes.  What fun!  And I do mean that.  I like this class, well not only because of the obvious reason, but because this teacher trusts me!  She lets the kids cook, and sew while I am subbing.  She wont do that with other subs.  It makes it fun.  The kids all wonder why she will let them sew and cook when I am there, and the answer I give them is that she trust me!  If I ever became a teacher, it would definately be a home ec teacher.  Big surprise there!  :)  Anyway, it was a fun day.  But I am now exhausted, and want to take a nap, but I need to go and decide what to do for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how fun!! its so weird I keep thinking today is saturday so when you said you sub I was like huh on Saturday. HAHAA
